Fruits of Dust
a space to re-live some favorite memories with my favorite people
Halloween 2020 | Red Carpet Edition
Halloween 2020 | Red Carpet Edition
This year for halloween, we decided to break in The Britts new home with a general theme of red carpet edition. There was mini Oscar skull head awards for the “best of” and candy necklaces- ya know since Tiffanys wasn’t an option. I can’t remember who won anything but all I do remember was it was a fun filled evening time spent with friends.

Knox First Birthday Party | Camp Knox
Knox 1st Birthday | Camp Knox
Our baby boy is one. This last year was a blur and somehow stapled in my memory all at once. Knox has been a curve in learning parenthood. He helped slow us all down as a family to stop and enjoy the day to day. He went from being the new member of the family that his sisters preferred to pretend wasn’t around to now their best third wheel. The days are long but the years, man are the years short. Happy first birthday sweet boy. We love you.
Venue- Ashley West Studio | Pataskala, Ohio
Cake/Cupcakes- Pooks Baked Goods
Balloon Art/Flags- LACE

Hattie & Hazel Turn 4
Hattie & Hazel mermaid 4th birthday party
Hattie & Hazel turned 4. This was the first year the girls understood what that meant and were able to express excitement. For a week prior to their party they would wake up asking if its their birthday. They were eager to say they are “4” holding up the correct number of fingers… they were able to say they wanted cake… and they were able to say they wanted friends and presents. This has all been exciting new territory with the girls, verbal communication. Its been so neat to hear their thoughts and learn more about them. If you didn’t know, they both have developmental delays in their speech and over the last school year were in pre-k receiving speech therapy, along with PT and OT. Anyone who knows them would agree, we’ve seen big progress and are all just enjoying this new fun time hearing what they have to say.
For their birthday, we went with a mermaid theme. Personally, “The Little Mermaid” was always a favorite of mine growing up and since their imagination and pretend play has become so evident, I knew it would be a winner to spark their imagination. I ordered over the top sequins mermaid skirts on etsy and had my go to party planner LACE help make most of the party decor. She made a beautiful seahorse piñata inspired from this post, a fun sequin backdrop for photo ops, seashell cupcake toppers and the favors for the girls: starfish wands and seashell crowns. My local favorite home baker, Slice of Heaven, made a delicious CHOCOLATE cake (the girls insisted) and I ordered some fun seagrass candy and a custom seashell cake topper from etsy.

Baby Colley | Farm Baby Shower
Baby Colley | Farm Theme Baby Shower
Pataskala, Ohio
So as some of you may have noticed, I had a baby recently (3 weeks ago). Not long after we found out we were pregnant, my little sister, Amelia, also found out she was having her first baby. This news was nothing but exciting for me, knowing this meant cousins close in age who could grow up together (and be mandatory best friends). I found out what gender we were having ahead, my sister however, decided to wait to find out. (Proud of you Daltyn, you have stood your ground on this one.)
My sisters baby shower theme was barnyard. The babies nursery is a farm theme so made it easy to decide on a theme. We rented my friends photo studio which ended up being the perfect blank canvas and had all of our family and friends come celebrate baby Colley who will be joining us in just a few short weeks. We served warm soups, “pigs in a blanket”, baguettes, deviled eggs, “carrot” chocolate covered strawberries, cupcakes and cookies.
Event Details:
Venue- Ashley West Studio
Cookies- Jamis Custom Cookies

Halloween | 2019
Halloween circa 2019
Masquerade Theme
Columbus, Ohio
The annual halloween party has become a favorite around these parts., I guess you’re never too old to dress up, especially at the sake of hanging with friends. This year we opted to do something unique and collaborative, a masquerade halloween party. There were maybe some that weren’t overly excited about it, but others were happy to not have to think up an idea this year and just get a mask to fit in. The Madsens opened their home to everyone and one by one the masked friends arrived. It was really surprising to have to take a double glance to figure out who had arrived and more than once I heard people comment, “this was a good idea.” Overall, it was a fun but intentional time spent with friends in the spirit of the season. Happy Halloween, until next year.

Baby Knox | Baby Shower
Baby Knox Baby Shower
I might be the luckiest girl. At least, that’s how i’m feeling after being given the most beautiful baby shower for Baby Knox. My bestest friend went above and beyond putting on a beautiful shower and that topped with being surrounded by the most amazing friends and family. I’ll be honest, right before I was suppose to leave for the shower, I had some pre-eclamptic signs pop up and rattled me a bit. I decided with my blood pressure only being borderline and the headache being mild, I would head to the shower and try to relax/distract myself. I am so glad I did. Of course the food was wonderful, beautifully displayed, the gifts were so special but when it was all said and done, this amazing group of women surrounded me with love and prayed over me and Baby Baker. It was just the presence, peace and reminder I needed that I am cared for and loved greatly. I can’t thank this community around me enough, they are simply, the best.

Halloween | 2018
I love holidays! Halloween, to me, is the kick off to the best time of the year and always a fun one to go all out for. This year I teamed up with my favorite custom events planner, Lauren over at LACE. We decided to do an intimate dinner party for all our closest friends. Lauren is always so creative and easy to work with. I highly recommend for any custom party or event planning. I loved how this party turned out and as always loved photographing the night. We did dark charcuterie boards, warm soups with bread and had caramel apples and cherry crumble for desert. Laurens husband was the "bartender" for the evening and had even made his own spiced bitters beforehand. I bought mini smoke bombs to have some fun photo opportunities. Overall, it was a fun night and really any excuse to hang out with my favorite people is a win in my book.

2nd Annual Progressive Dinner | Valentines Day
We had a progressive style dinner with all our friends for Valentines Day for the second year in a row. The general consensus is that we all want to see this happen every year till we are old. It's really magical to live in community with people you do life with and although we know this is a season, we will relish in it as long as we can. In the words of one of the girls last night, "The most honest love- what better way to spend the holiday. Who else can say they have people like this? Its rare and beautiful." xoxo
Appettizers were at the Goubeaux's again. They made a party platter to die for, cheese fondue, and two cocktail choices.
Birthday Babes Turn ONE
All the feels as I sit here and recap celebrating the twins first birthday. We had their party a week early since Ryan has drill on their actual birthday. It doesn't feel real that the girls have been around for a year. They are such a part of our every thought that it's hard to remember life before them. I read through their baby books after the party and as I saw the pictures and read the details of their development it felt like a lifetime ago that we brought them home. I am happier than ever to have started blogging and be able to keep record of these moments that too quickly become memories.
The party was hosted at our home. We went with a "party animal" theme. Bright colors, animal crackers and sprinkles were what motivated the decorating/planning. I originally wanted to use the local park shelter house but with limited time slots available for rent and the cost for a location I opted to try our house (for free). I was banking on sunshine since we would have to utilize our backyard. Thankfully it was a beautiful day. Although it was beautiful and sunny... I have taken mental notes on how to improve on next years festivities. For example- we needed more shaded areas. We had a lot of toddlers and babies in attendance and the heat can make for some fussy babes. Hattie was going to loose her mind if we didn't do something quick (see baby on left in pic below)... SO, we sped things up and got cake passed out to all our guests and the smash cakes in front of the birthday babes. This did the trick and come to find out, my girls are excellent cake smashers... I mean, somehow they really knew what they were doing. I think the funniest part was Hattie in her exhaustion, kept laying her head down in her cake.
They smashed their cakes sooo well, that I quickly worried about their sticky sweaty situation. This is when the baby pool came out. We had no intentions on having the girls swim or all the other babies for that matter, but it ended up being one of my favorite moments. Our girls, along with all their pals, played (or cried) in the pool and were finally able to cool off. It's so profound to think in ten years these same little baby friends will still be celebrating life milestones together.
Progressive Dinner | Valentines Day
Every Valentine's Day should be spent with your friends. This is the conclusion after this years version on the holiday. A clever friend pitched the idea and last minute the plans were set. Three houses, all on the same street would host the different stages of a dinner. First-Apps/Drinks, Second-Dinner/Drinks and Third-Desert/Drinks (see any common theme here?) Also, any excuse to host and decorate is a good time in my book, below are some snaps of the staging for the night in the Baker household. I'm a sucker for any and all holiday decor
There were 7 couples who partook in this shindig. Crazy Ohio gave us decent weather so most of us met at my house, being the last stop later, and walked down to the first. This walk was the first of many times through the night I felt overwhelmed with joy and gratefulness to have a community of friends that I do... not to mention all living so close together. My two bestests friends literally live on the same street as me.. Who gets to say that in life?
Each house had its own perfect theme, aromas and overall comfort to offer. The food was delicious but seriously the company was the bomb. Dinner was the longest stay. This was the second moment of being awe struck at how lucky this gal was to have all these crazies around me. Laughing at stories, eating delicious food, drinking even better wine.
My house was last... we have a bunch of drink snobs in our crowd so we made sure to have some winner cocktails and a trifle that seemed to be a hit. As the night came to an end, the last moment came when it all stood out. These people. In my home. I get to do life with?
Next year on Valentines Day, or any day for that matter. Have a progressive style dinner with your people. It is just the best.