Fruits of Dust
a space to re-live some favorite memories with my favorite people
Halloween Family Photos 21'
Photos by Nicole Leone Miller
Halloween Family Portraits
Miller Manor
Mount Vernon, Ohio
Anyone else have a weird love for everything weird and spooky? Well I do, and I know my girl Nicole does too. Thats why she had to be the one to photograph my little family for a masked halloween photo shoot in her beautiful old (and kind of spooky) manor. One thing I found to be really nice from a parents view, you didn’t have to worry about where they are looking, what faces they are making. In a mask anywhere they look turns out ok, and maybe even spookier than expected. I don’t need much persuasion but I encourage anyone to take the time to do the photo sessions, of all kinds. The formal, the silly and the spooky.
Photographer- Nicole Leoné Miller
Venue- Miller Manor
Masks- Curious Fair

Halloween 2020 | Red Carpet Edition
Halloween 2020 | Red Carpet Edition
This year for halloween, we decided to break in The Britts new home with a general theme of red carpet edition. There was mini Oscar skull head awards for the “best of” and candy necklaces- ya know since Tiffanys wasn’t an option. I can’t remember who won anything but all I do remember was it was a fun filled evening time spent with friends.

Halloween | 2019
Halloween circa 2019
Masquerade Theme
Columbus, Ohio
The annual halloween party has become a favorite around these parts., I guess you’re never too old to dress up, especially at the sake of hanging with friends. This year we opted to do something unique and collaborative, a masquerade halloween party. There were maybe some that weren’t overly excited about it, but others were happy to not have to think up an idea this year and just get a mask to fit in. The Madsens opened their home to everyone and one by one the masked friends arrived. It was really surprising to have to take a double glance to figure out who had arrived and more than once I heard people comment, “this was a good idea.” Overall, it was a fun but intentional time spent with friends in the spirit of the season. Happy Halloween, until next year.

Halloween | 2018
I love holidays! Halloween, to me, is the kick off to the best time of the year and always a fun one to go all out for. This year I teamed up with my favorite custom events planner, Lauren over at LACE. We decided to do an intimate dinner party for all our closest friends. Lauren is always so creative and easy to work with. I highly recommend for any custom party or event planning. I loved how this party turned out and as always loved photographing the night. We did dark charcuterie boards, warm soups with bread and had caramel apples and cherry crumble for desert. Laurens husband was the "bartender" for the evening and had even made his own spiced bitters beforehand. I bought mini smoke bombs to have some fun photo opportunities. Overall, it was a fun night and really any excuse to hang out with my favorite people is a win in my book.