Fruits of Dust
a space to re-live some favorite memories with my favorite people
Halloween 2020 | Red Carpet Edition
Halloween 2020 | Red Carpet Edition
This year for halloween, we decided to break in The Britts new home with a general theme of red carpet edition. There was mini Oscar skull head awards for the “best of” and candy necklaces- ya know since Tiffanys wasn’t an option. I can’t remember who won anything but all I do remember was it was a fun filled evening time spent with friends.

Baby Colley | Farm Baby Shower
Baby Colley | Farm Theme Baby Shower
Pataskala, Ohio
So as some of you may have noticed, I had a baby recently (3 weeks ago). Not long after we found out we were pregnant, my little sister, Amelia, also found out she was having her first baby. This news was nothing but exciting for me, knowing this meant cousins close in age who could grow up together (and be mandatory best friends). I found out what gender we were having ahead, my sister however, decided to wait to find out. (Proud of you Daltyn, you have stood your ground on this one.)
My sisters baby shower theme was barnyard. The babies nursery is a farm theme so made it easy to decide on a theme. We rented my friends photo studio which ended up being the perfect blank canvas and had all of our family and friends come celebrate baby Colley who will be joining us in just a few short weeks. We served warm soups, “pigs in a blanket”, baguettes, deviled eggs, “carrot” chocolate covered strawberries, cupcakes and cookies.
Event Details:
Venue- Ashley West Studio
Cookies- Jamis Custom Cookies

Halloween | 2019
Halloween circa 2019
Masquerade Theme
Columbus, Ohio
The annual halloween party has become a favorite around these parts., I guess you’re never too old to dress up, especially at the sake of hanging with friends. This year we opted to do something unique and collaborative, a masquerade halloween party. There were maybe some that weren’t overly excited about it, but others were happy to not have to think up an idea this year and just get a mask to fit in. The Madsens opened their home to everyone and one by one the masked friends arrived. It was really surprising to have to take a double glance to figure out who had arrived and more than once I heard people comment, “this was a good idea.” Overall, it was a fun but intentional time spent with friends in the spirit of the season. Happy Halloween, until next year.

Baby Knox | Baby Shower
Baby Knox Baby Shower
I might be the luckiest girl. At least, that’s how i’m feeling after being given the most beautiful baby shower for Baby Knox. My bestest friend went above and beyond putting on a beautiful shower and that topped with being surrounded by the most amazing friends and family. I’ll be honest, right before I was suppose to leave for the shower, I had some pre-eclamptic signs pop up and rattled me a bit. I decided with my blood pressure only being borderline and the headache being mild, I would head to the shower and try to relax/distract myself. I am so glad I did. Of course the food was wonderful, beautifully displayed, the gifts were so special but when it was all said and done, this amazing group of women surrounded me with love and prayed over me and Baby Baker. It was just the presence, peace and reminder I needed that I am cared for and loved greatly. I can’t thank this community around me enough, they are simply, the best.

3rd Annual Progressive Dinner | Valentines Day
3rd Annual Progressive Dinner | Valentines Day
3rd Annual Progressive Dinner is in the books. As usual the decor was beautiful, the food was delicious and the company couldn’t be beat. First stop was the Goubeauxs for drinks and appetizers. Andre is a bit of a wizard at crafting cocktails/mocktails and the finger foods were exactly what everyone needed to get appetites wet. Lauren from over at LACE made the beautiful geometric heart on display. Any party needs-she your lady.
Next stop was dinner at The Britts. Emily has the most hostess heart of anyone I know and man does that lady know how to cook. Per usual, she made, wedge salads (homemade salad dressing/bacon bits) bacon wrapped asparagus, mashed potatoes and steak with a tarragon compound butter. This part of the night is always nice because everyone has to sit around the same table and the whole crowd gets to mingle and there’s something about eating around a dinner table with your best friends that feels like home.
Last stop, The Thompsons for desserts. Chocolate cake, chocolate covered strawberries and eclairs to round up the fell course meal. The last stop includes a photo opp. This year I made a fringe garland backdrop and let my friends go to work, couples, friends and even babies this year all had fun getting their photos taken. This tradition along with a couple others is one of my favorites and Im already excited for next years.

Halloween | 2018
I love holidays! Halloween, to me, is the kick off to the best time of the year and always a fun one to go all out for. This year I teamed up with my favorite custom events planner, Lauren over at LACE. We decided to do an intimate dinner party for all our closest friends. Lauren is always so creative and easy to work with. I highly recommend for any custom party or event planning. I loved how this party turned out and as always loved photographing the night. We did dark charcuterie boards, warm soups with bread and had caramel apples and cherry crumble for desert. Laurens husband was the "bartender" for the evening and had even made his own spiced bitters beforehand. I bought mini smoke bombs to have some fun photo opportunities. Overall, it was a fun night and really any excuse to hang out with my favorite people is a win in my book.