Fruits of Dust

a space to re-live some favorite memories with my favorite people

TRAVEL Ramsey Baker TRAVEL Ramsey Baker

Asheville, North Carolina | 2020

Asheville, North Carolina | 2020

Talk about a trip worth getting away to.. Asheville, NC. Its just far enough you can get to it in a one day trip and still have some time at your destination to relax and unpack. We ventured down with another family that we love and stayed at an airbnb- farm style in the mountains. We didn’t explore a ton of downtown areas, as Ive heard this is maybe not as kid friendly, especially during a pandemic. However just outside of town was the perfect quiet grounds to let the kids run around and parents sit outside and enjoy the change of pace. While we were there we did a day of hiking in the blue ridge mountains and found a fun spot with a waterfall to spend an afternoon. One afternoon we split from our friends and did a tour at the Biltmore estate, I personally love things like this, seeing architectural structures that you don’t see everyday, imagining a time when you needed a smoking room, gun room and separate sleeping dorms from your husband. I appreciate places you can step in and really see how it might have looked if you were there more than a century ago.

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